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Trade Fairs Worldwide

International Trade Fairs For you on-site.

The profine Group brands are represented at many window and construction trade fairs and events around the globe. We are always right in the middle of the market so that we can get to know the requirements of the market partners from A to Z.   

Here are the next dates for our participation in trade fairs: 

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profine Digital Expo

profine DigitalExpo


Dr. Peter Mrosik - Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der profine Group

profine DigitalExpo - your virtual window in our product and brand world.

Look forward to a digital trade fair experience with our profine DigitalExpo.

Discover innovative product highlights, learn about our existing system diversity and our customer-oriented profine services:

Immerse yourself in our DigitalExpo and discover the world of profine. 

Dr. Peter Mrosik

Owner and CEO

Note: To fully experience our DigitalExpo, please use an up to date browser, such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

Pictures Facts Emotions

Fast Facts

Brochure download Information and facts.

Here you will find the latest profine brochures as PDF files to download:

Get an idea about us, our windows and our doors!

People Success

Career Opportunities Grow with us!

We want to continue our success story - and for that reason we are always looking for competent and dedicated members of staff.

As one of the world's leading companies in the industry, we offer a professional future in a variety of fields of activity and training occupations.

Feel free to have a look at our vacancies for Germany on our career website or to send your documents unsolicited to the German Team.


Vacancies for Germany on our career website


We are looking forward to your application.

Your profine Team


Searching for international vacancies?

Please check out the sites of our subsidiaries and offices: 

Sales Locations & Production Sites


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Social Media In dialogue online

Be always up to date.

On our social media channels you will always find out the latest info about profine Group and our strong brands KBE, Kömmerling, TROCAL.

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